Pokémon Go’s wide variety of Pokémon, each with special skills and advantages, never fails to enthrall players. Which Pokémon stand out can give you a big advantage, regardless of how experienced you are as a trainer or how new you are to the game. This guide will examine some of the best Pokemon in pokemon go, going over their characteristics and the reasons you should add them to your collection.
Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go Attackers tier list in 2024
#1 | Primal Kyogre | Waterfall | Origin Pulse | Grass / Electric |
#2 | Mega Rayquaza | Air Slash | Dragon Ascent | Ice / Rock / Dragon / Fairy |
#3 | Primal Groudon | Mud Shot | Precipice Blades | Water / Ground |
#4 | Mega Tyranitar | Bite | Brutal Swing | Fighting / Ground / Bug / Steel / Water / Grass / Fairy |
#5 | Mega Blaziken | Fire Spin | Blast Burn | Flying / Ground / Water / Psychic |
#6 | Mega Gengar | Lick | Shadow Ball | Ground / Ghost / Psychic / Dark |
#7 | Shadow Mewtwo | Confusion | Psystrike | Bug / Ghost / Dark |
#8 | Shadow Chandelure | Fire Spin | Shadow Ball | Ground / Rock / Ghost / Water / Dark |
#9 | Terrakion | Double Kick | Sacred Sword | Fighting / Ground / Steel / Water / Grass / Psychic / Fairy |
#10 | Kartana | Razor Leaf | Leaf Blade | Fire / Fighting |
Best attackers in Pokémon Go
Remember that this Tier List is an editorialized ranking of Pokémon based on our judgment, knowledge, and experiences rather than a ranking of Pokémon based on their definitive stats or highest DPS movesets.
Having said that, several resources have proven invaluable in aiding our decision-making process: community efforts such as this spreadsheet, as well as cross-referencing GamePress and Gameinfo specifically, each of whom has uniquely tackled the problem, along with a range of calculations that range in complexity from intricate matchup simulations to more straightforward DPS calculations for both attacking and defending, and much more in between.
Best defenders in Pokémon Go
Rank | Pokémon | Quick Move | Charged Move | Reasoning |
1 | Blissey | Zen Headbutt | Dazzling Gleam | This is how it operates: “Is there space in the gym? True? Alright. Is that where the Blissey is? Not at all? You know what to do then, though.
After all this time, Blissey remains the greatest. Even without its powerful stats, this Pokémon is a nightmare to remove from a gym thanks to its combination of Zen Headbutt and Dazzling Gleam. |
2 | Togekiss | Charm | Dazzling Gleam | Is a Blissey present in that place? I agree; place a Togekiss in the gym.
Because of his size and ability to use Fairy-type attacks, Togekiss is an excellent defender. |
3 | Metagross | Zen Headbutt | Meteor Mash | Though not as versatile as the heavy-set Normal-types, they were chosen as an excellent counter to Machamp and Lucario. |
4 | Snorlax | Zen Headbutt | Hyper Beam | Just another Blissey. Though not quite as good as Togekiss, it’s still a great choice. |
5 | Drifblim | Hex | Shadow Ball | What surpasses Machamp, the top gym attacker? ghost-types that have strong defenses. Drifblim is worth tagging as a gym-goer if you have one that is too large for Great League but has a CP under 3000 (above this and it will lose motivation quicker in a gym). |
6 | Goodra | Dragon Breath | Draco Meteor | hefty, but its Dragon Breath can surprise attackers of the Dragon type. A great nuclear weapon as well as the Draco Meteor. This, along with its superior defense, makes Goodra a great option that most people don’t anticipate facing in the weight room! |
7 | Dragonite | Dragon Tail | Outrage | Because of its typing, it is resistant to Machamp, making it more difficult for attackers to take over the gym. In essence, it’s a tank that offers the best possible support. |
8 | Milotic | Waterfall | Hyper Beam | Given that he is a mono-Water type, Milotic has very few weaknesses when facing a gym. You have a Pokémon that has been holed up in gyms since the game’s release, thanks to its strong defense. |
9 | Garchomp | Mud Shot | Earthquake | A common weakness shared by Gyarados, Togekiss, Drifblim, and Dragonite is remedied by this particular Pokémon. Do you want to prevent a gym from being overrun when it starts to seem a little boring? Combine it with this large blue land shark and start earning free coins. |
10 | Gyarados | Waterfall | Outrage | Another counter-counter, Gyarados is very effective against many attackers, such as the legendary Pokémon Entei, which is of the Fire type. a well-liked fixture in gyms for many reasons. |
Pokémon Go Best Attackers Tier List
Rank | Pokémon | Quick Move | Charged Move | Reasoning |
1 | Mewtwo | Confusion | Psystrike or Shadow Ball | Mewtwo’s superior bulk and attack make him the best all-around player even without perfect moves. Shadow Ball and Psystrike are both so good that it’s hard to decide between them; for even more versatility, get a Mewtwo with both. It can also clear gyms with Focus Blast, another fighting-style option. |
2 | Kartana | Razor Leaf | Leaf Blade | Despite its brief appearance in the game, Kartana made a strong impression, and as we all know, nothing hurts more than a papercut. Joking aside, its powerful moveset and outstanding stats quickly dispatch raid bosses vulnerable to grass-type attacks. |
3 | Reshiram | Fire Fang | Fusion Flare | Reshiram’s ability to attack was greatly enhanced by the addition of Fusion Flare, its signature move, which made it the greatest non-Shadow, non-Mega Fire-type attacker in the game. In addition, you can be sure that it has the strength to withstand most attacks due to its legendary dragon stats. |
4 | Terrakion | Double Kick | Sacred Sword | Given its bulldog-like stature, we’re still not sure how Terrakion can kick or do anything else with a sword. Here at Eurogamer, our bulldogs just eat, sleep, and whine when they’re not doing either. Nevertheless, this Pokémon’s stats were so greatly increased after the 2022 move update that you should try your hardest to obtain a good number of them should they happen to reappear. |
5 | Rayquaza | Dragon Tail | Outrage | Nobody should be surprised that Rayquaza is the best of the dragons thanks to his amazing move combination and high Attack stat. Watch out for its Ice-type moves, which have a double weakness, and Mega Rayquaza, whose stats are sky-high and will surely break the game when it appears. |
6 | Xurkitree | Thunder Shock | Discharge | Xurkitree’s base stats are roughly equivalent to those of the top Electric-type shadow Pokémon, which is about as good as Xurkitree itself. It will destroy its opponents if it acquires the strongest Electric-type moves in the game or even creates a shadow form of its own. |
7 | Chandelure | Fire Spin | Shadow Ball | Easily the most effective Ghost-type attacker available in the game right now, and very simple to use. It is a fantastic addition to your team because of its strong defense and powerful Fire-type move. |
8 | Rampardos | SmackDown | Rock Slide | Because of its type effectiveness, Rampardos is a great addition to any raid against any Fire, Flying, or Ice-types, including Articuno and Charizard. In these raids, the combination of SmackDown and Rock Slide is especially vicious. |
9 | Metagross | Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash | Since 2018, Metagross has maintained its ideal moveset, making it one of the strongest attackers in the game. It’s an excellent fallback in any circumstance thanks to its potent attacks and excellent stats—as long as you’re not facing a Dark or Fire-type, that is! |
10 | Conkeldurr | Counter | Dynamic Punch | Conkeldurr has become much more common since the 2023 community day, unseating Machamp as your go-to, cost-effective attacker—but there are a few restrictions. First off, you shouldn’t worry about leveling up ‘durr if your team consists entirely of ‘champs. Comparing it to the Champ running the same moves, it’s barely better. Additionally, Shadow Machamp outperforms all other users save for those who do not possess Sacred Swords or Megaswords, so if you do, keep using them. |
To become the best Pokemon in pokemon go, you must understand which Pokémon are the best at both attack and defense. From Blissey’s supremacy in the gym to Primal Kyogre’s potent Waterfall, every Pokémon has special abilities that can greatly improve your gameplay. Keeping up with elite Pokémon and their best movesets is essential to winning the game.